transtheoretical model constructs

transtheoretical model constructs
December 26, 2020

The final sample of 14 articles included adolescents that were mostly recruited from schools, with interventions ranging from one month to three years. maintenance. The TTM was used in all included interventions, although some of them were based on other theories as well. Change implies phenomena occurring over time, but surprisingly, none of the leading the-ories of therapy contained a core construct representing time. Both of these articles were analyzed with the other studies on the same intervention [18, 27]. Yusop et al. 2016;10(1):50–66. 2019;73:9–23. Article  The participants in Lana et al. Individuals in the Contemplation stage are not ready for traditional action-oriented programs that expect participants to act immediately. Stage-based interventions for low-fat diet with middle school students. The transtheoretical model is also known by the abbreviation "TTM" and by the term "stages of change." [47]. 2006;22(5):269–77. Although the effectiveness of the TTM was addressed in the included studies, they had significant methodological differences, such as the outcome of interest, setting, forms of delivering the intervention, and other characteristics. Hagger MS. The Transtheoretical Model consists of 4 constructs: Stages of Change; Processes of Change; Decisional Balance; Self-Efficacy . Finally, the stages of change show to be the most well-known construct of the TTM, since all interventions, but one, used it, and, of these, six studies used exclusively this construct. This model is widely used for health education interventions, such as physical activity [8], fruit and vegetable consumption [9] and weight control [10], with proven efficacy. Only one study [23] used these constructs to define the content of and feedback of a nutritional intervention, showing that most studies that claim to be based on theoretical models use, in fact, a part of the model in the design of the intervention, which increases the possibility of variability of results from one intervention to another and decreases the possibility of replication. & Toral, N. Transtheoretical model-based nutritional interventions in adolescents: a systematic review. (2007) Does tailoring matter? While the Stages of Change are useful in explaining when changes in cognition, emotion, and behavior take place, the processes of change help to explain how those changes occur. Google Scholar. Prochaska JO, Velicer WF. Thus, action-oriented guidance misserves individuals in the early stages. NT: Conceptualization, Project administration, Supervision, Visualization, Writing – review & editing. Explaining the effects of a 1-year intervention promoting a low fat diet in adolescent girls- a mediation analysis. These ten processes can be divided into two groups: cognitive and affective experiential processes and behavioral processes. Stages of Change lie at the heart of the TTM. provided 12 weekly meetings that included small group discussions led by the educators, hands-on and food preparation activities, and facilitated group decision-making and problem-solving experiences for participants. Preparation is the stage in which people intend to take action in the immediate future, usually measured as the next month. A tendency toward inadequate eating habits among youth has been documented in the literature, including high intake of sugary drinks [3], skipping breakfast [4] and low consumption of fruits and vegetables [5]. Ann N Y Acad Sci. A study exploring food preferences by gender and age found some differences: boys preferred more meat and fish, and girls preferred more vegetables and sweets [39]. For the peer-led group, self-reported intake of whole grains (servings/day) increased from baseline to 6-months post-intervention [33]. While the time a person can stay in each stage is variable, the tasks required to move to the next stage are not. Effective Public Health Practice Project. The exclusion criteria were interventions that targeted specific health conditions or diseases, such as type 1 diabetes, cancer, and eating disorders, studies that only classified participants according to stages of change as a variable (i.e., without implementing the TTM as a theoretical basis in the design of the intervention), and studies in which the intervention had not yet been implemented. Two interventions mailed printed materials, such as magazines, letters to families and newsletters [28, 32]. Di Noia J, Contento IR, Prochaska JO. The TTM was used alone or combined with other behavior-change theories and most of the interventions involved digital technology. These interventions are presented as TTM based, although according to Mastellos et al. PubMed Central  Moreover, this model consists of many constructs, so it is applied in different ways by different authors. theories focusing mainly on social or biological influences), the TTM seeks to include and integrate key constructs from other theories into a comprehensive theory of change that can be applied to a varie… CRD’s guidance for undertaking reviews in health care. Health Scope. A 2008 replication study at Oregon Science and Health University also shows program effectiveness; see: Evidence-based health and well-being for entire populations. Traditionally, behavior change was often construed as an event, such as quitting smoking, drinking, or overeating. Accessed 5 Mar 2019. Many studies recruited adolescents from schools, a normal setting for health programs [36], and nine of them also implemented the intervention at the school’s facility [17, 21,22,23,24, 26, 28, 32, 33]. To view a copy of this licence, visit Springer Nature. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, Inc., Staying Resilient in a Stressful Election Season, Pro-Change Launches Updated Online Course, Pro-Change Receives $1.5 Million Grant for Innovative Substance Use Intervention, Pro-Change Launches Inspiragrams to Promote Well-Being.,,,,, Health behavior, health promotion and society. Nevertheless, the percentage of fat increased in Freen et al.’s intervention group, although it was significantly less than the control group [22]. An updated search was performed in the databases by one reviewer (JN), and both reviewers assessed the eligible studies for inclusion (JN, GRM). For the action/maintenance stages, change reinforcement management, helping relationships, counterconditioning, and stimulus control were used [19]. Although five studies were considered weak in the quality assessment, one of the reasons for it is the fact that the tool for assessment takes into account the blinding, which is hardly feasible in studies with this type of intervention. Thus, nutritional intervention is required to ensure healthy growth and prevent the development of chronic diseases while still young [6]. The authors read and approved the final manuscript. J Med Internet Res. There has not yet been a systematic review of adolescent nutritional interventions that adopted the TTM as a theoretical model in the design of the intervention. The transtheoretical model (TTM) describes change not as an individual event but rather as a series of steps that take place according to a person’s degree of motivation. People in the Precontemplation stage do not intend to take action in the foreseeable future, usually measured as the next six months. The nutritional counseling topic was based on the participant’s current stage of change [29]. Lana A, Faya-Ornia G, López ML. Self-Reevaluation (Create a New Self-Image) PMID: 29898881; PMCID: PMC6081996. 5. In a recent meta-analysis, Gourlan et al. Eur J Clin Nutr. Olivo SA, Stiles CR, Hagen NA, Blondo PD, Cummings GG. Freen M, Malin S, Bansal NK. Examining predictors of breakfast skipping and breakfast program use among secondary school students in the COMPASS study. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. The initial search yielded 3779 results. Individuals in the contemplation stage are less reluctant to change and they may be aware that there is something wrong with their behavior but are unwilling to act. These ten covert and overt processes need to be implemented to successfully progress through the stages of change and attain the desired behavior change. Cite this article. Studies of change have found that people move through a series of stages when modifying behavior. This study explored the TTM in relation to PA behavior among Nigerians with essential hypertension. Toral et al. PubMed  Iran Red Crescent Med J. Preventing the obesity epidemic by second generation tailored health communication: an interdisciplinary review. Not intending to take action in the next six months, Intending to take action in the next six months, Have made overt lifestyle changes in the past six months, Doing a new behavior for more than six months. In search of how people change: Applications to the addictive behaviors. found that physical activity interventions based on a single theory presented better outcomes than interventions based on a combination of theories [45]. To learn about the efficacy of our online programs, see the citations on each of our products pages, or our program effectiveness summary. The following databases were searched for articles in English, Portuguese, or Spanish: Adolec, Google Scholar, LILACS, PsycINFO, PubMed, Science Direct and Web of Science. found no differences in the participants’ fruit and vegetable intake or in perceived self-efficacy or benefits and barriers compared to baseline [28]. Am J Health Promot. Article  All data generated in this study is available in supplementary materials. treatment settings, prevention and policy-making settings, etc.). Transtheoretical model of change has been the basis for developing effective interventions to promote health behavior change. Relationships of physical activity with the transtheoretical model constructs among Korean adults Youngho Kim Department of Sport Science, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea Correspondence the processes of … of a model or theory. Appl Nurs Res. Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, The PRISMA Group. The Transtheoretical Model (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983; Prochaska, DiClemente, & Norcross, 1992; Prochaska & Velicer, 1997) is an integrative model of behavior change. The final sample of 11 articles was published between 2003 and 2018 [17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]. Velicer WF, Redding CA, Paiva AL, Mauriello LM, Blissmer B, Oatley K, et al. J Med Internet Res. Of these, 77 did not meet the eligibility criteria for reasons described in Fig. Prev Med. PubMed  All but six of the studies had at least two follow-up measurements [17, 26, 29, 31,32,33]. Intervenção multidisciplinar e motivacional para tratamento de adolescentes obesos brasileiros de baixa renda: estudo piloto. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. 2018;361:bmj.k2173. In the study by Mauriello et al., the intervention group received stage-matched, tailored feedback messages based on their TTM assessments, which included all TTM constructs [26]. Impact of a web-based intervention supplemented with text messages to improve cancer prevention behaviors among adolescents - results from a randomized controlled trial. 2010;12:e24. Five interventions were classified as weak [21, 25, 26, 30, 33], six as moderate [22,23,24, 29, 31, 32] and three as strong [17, 19, 28]. were in the action or maintenance stages by the end of the intervention [31]. theories focusing mainly on social or biological influences), the TTM seeks to include and integrate key constructs from other theories i… Often, individuals recycle through the stages or regress to earlier stages from later ones. But in the TTM, Action is only one of five stages. Moreover, using digital media facilitates stage-based tailored interventions [11]. Targeting this group is extremely important because they are more likely to develop health problems, and these odds can be reduced by changing dietary habits [38]. 6. One recent intervention [33] used the stages of change to gradually organize the content of the intervention, ensuring that individuals of all stages could receive at least one content matched to their corresponding stage. ( 2010;51(6):451–6. 2018;36(2):186–91. Besides, girls tend to be more concerned than boys about weight loss, engaging in dieting, and present more guilt over eating too much [40]. Now the consensus is clear—only total abstinence counts. Zare F, Aghamolael T, Zare M, Ghanbarnejad A. The TTM seems to be a successful strategy for nutritional intervention aiming at improving dietary intake in adolescents. Rev paul pediatr. The articles were rated for each component and a final global categorical rating was assigned (strong, moderate or weak), as recommended by the Effective Public Health Practice Project [15]. In addition, this construct was not found to be used exclusively. Ordovas JM, Ferguson LR, Tai ES, Mathers JC. The study duration (including pre-test and post-test measurements) ranged from one month to three years, with many lasting six months or more [17, 23,24,25,26, 28, 29, 31]. Only when interventions in this field consider the usage of all constructs of TTM for the development, the literature will reach sufficient evidence about the use of the model. Dramatic Relief (Pay Attention to Feelings) The stage construct represents a temporal dimension. PLoS One. Only full original articles written in English, Spanish or Portuguese on randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental designs that applied the TTM in the design of nutritional interventions targeting adolescents were included, with no restrictions on publication date. The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) is commonly used to describe exercise behavior and develop interventions for the initiation of exercise behavior. BMC Public Health. The four constructs of TTM are the stages of change, the processes of change, self-efficacy, and decisional balance . Further studies should use all constructs of the TTM in the design and compare the TTM with other behavior-change theories to better understand its effectiveness. The transtheoretical model of behavior change is an integrative theory of therapy that assesses an individual's readiness to act on a new healthier behavior, and provides strategies, or processes of change to guide the individual. After 12 months of continuous abstinence, 43% of individuals returned to regular smoking. The use of the model is shown to be restricted to the stage of change’ construct. At all times the processes of change were used in combination with the stages of change and also with the aim of tailoring the content of the intervention, except for Jalambadani et al. Corkins MR, Daniels SR, de Ferranti SD, Golden NH, Kim JH, Magge SN, Schwarzenberg SJ. A lack of association between physical activity and the psychological determinants of sedentary behavior was found. All content was developed based on all stages of change of the TTM [33]. In most cases, several behaviors … James O. Prochaska of the University of Rhode Island and colleagues developed the Transtheoretical Model beginning in 1977. When the topic is specifically tailored to the study population in terms of stages of change, gender and other characteristics, the intervention tends to become more effective [34, 41]. Google Scholar. The processes of change used for the whole class were self-reevaluation and consciousness raising. The search was updated twice, once after thirty days and again about a year later to find recently published articles. Cookies policy. PubMed Central  2012;2012:174640. Change implies phenomena occurring over time. Woolf SH, Aron L, Dubay L, Simon SM, Zimmerman E, Luk KX. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. less likely to utilize the TTM constructs to reduce sedentary behaviors than those in later stages. They are more aware of the pros of changing, but are also acutely aware of the cons. In the action stage meaningful changes in behavior occur, while in the final stage, maintenance, the new behavior persists for at least six months [7]. This review aimed to weigh the strength of evidence about the TTM usage in nutritional interventions for adolescents and its effectiveness regarding dietary intake. The core constructs of the TTM are. 2018;10:131–6. While this estimate may seem somewhat pessimistic, longitudinal data in the 1990 Surgeon General’s report support this temporal estimate. J Health Psychol. For the contemplation/preparation sessions, self-reevaluation and self-liberation were incorporated. The remaining studies recruited adolescents from schools [17, 21,22,23,24,25,26, 28, 29, 32, 33]. TTM recognizes change as a process that unfolds over time, involving progress through a series of stages. Once the person has kept up with their change for at least six months, they enter the … Six aimed at improving fruit and vegetable consumption [17, 19, 25, 26, 28, 32], three promoted a low-fat diet [21,22,23], three focused on healthy dietary intake in general [29,30,31], one focused in improving food choices and cooking skills [33], and one focused on the reduction of fast food intake [24]. It extracts information on selection bias, study design, blinding, data collection methods, withdrawals and dropouts, intervention integrity, and analyses performed [16]. Systematic review on evidence-based adolescent nutrition interventions. The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) is one model of behavior change that has been applied to transplant decision-making in kidney disease populations. In the Precontemplation and Contemplation stages, temptation to engage in the problem behavior is far greater than self-efficacy to abstain. A total of 3463 adults, in the USA, who … Frenn et al. Disagreements between reviewers were resolved by an expert (NT). 8. The following set of assumptions drives Transtheoretical Model theory, research, and practice: A recent meta-analyses, by Noar et al., of 57 studies demonstrated greater effects in programs that are tailored on each of the Transtheoretical Model constructs. 2016;100(6):1217–35. These individuals have a plan of action, such as joining a gym, consulting a counselor, talking to their physician, or relying on a self-change approach. PubMed  The core constructs of the TTM are. Nutrients. As individuals enter the Maintenance stage, the pros in favor of maintaining the behavior change should outweigh the cons of maintaining the change in order to decrease the risk of relapse. [48] it is better to categorize these interventions as being based on stages of change construct, as three of four constructs are not being taken into consideration. It was not until 5 years of continuous abstinence that the risk for relapse dropped to 7% (USDHHS). ... Major constructs. Few studies continued six months or more [17, 25, 28, 29, 31], so the time period is a positive aspect of their design [42]. Moreover, it seems the interventions using TTM focusing at a single dietary intake component, such as consumption of fruit and vegetable or fat intake, showed better results, which has already been concluded in a previous systematic review [11] and is expected to occur, considering the model was initially created to alter a single health behavior (Tobacco use) [7]. 2017;46(2):578–88. reported eating significantly more servings of fruits and vegetables than the control group [26]. The intervention in Frenn et al. The four constructs of TTM are the stages of change, the processes of change, self-efficacy, and decisional balance [7]. When an individual is in the Precontemplation stage, the pros in favor of behavior change are outweighed by the relative cons for change and in favor of maintaining the existing behavior. Those principles include decisional balance, self-efficacy, and processes of change. During the Preparation and Action Stages, addicts learn … Excluding outcomes related to dietary intake, some studies also analyzed anthropometric measures (height, weight, Body Mass Index percentiles, waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio and body fat) [25, 30, 31, 33] and nutritional knowledge [24]. Adolescence is a period of intense biopsychosocial changes and involves specific nutritional needs [1, 2]. The Transtheoretical Model and Stages of Change. Examples of the strategies included a card game to promote the pros of eating F&V and explain their various features [32]. Browne S, Minozzi S, Bellisario C, Sweeney MR, Susta D. Effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving dietary behaviours among people at higher risk of or with chronic non-communicable diseases: an overview of systematic reviews. For instance, social cognitive theory analyzes the social effects on behavior in a more representative way than TTM, so if these models are combined, gaps are filled in the latter. provided tailored TTM-based computer intervention sessions for three groups according to their grade [17]. All the participants in Filgueiras et al. Toral et al. Physical activity and nutrition education at the school environment aimed at preventing childhood obesity: evidence from systematic reviews. For example, reduction in the number of cigarettes or switching to low-tar and low-nicotine cigarettes were formerly considered acceptable actions. How are income and wealth linked to health and longevity? For example, to cross from precontemplation into contemplation, consciousness raising must occur, and this process mostly applies to initial stages. Gourlan M, Bernard P, Bortholon C, Romain A, Lareyre O, Carayol M, et al. The construct of self-efficacy describes how well the addict is able to handle temptations to engage in substance abuse. Part of 2. The TTM-based intervention program of Di Noia et al. Self-Liberation (Make a Commitment) Meta-analytic review of tailored print health behavior change interventions. Mauriello LM, Ciavatta MMH, Paiva AL, Sherman KJ, Castle PH, Johnson JL, Prochaska JM. All studies but one used the stages of change in the development of the intervention [23]. The TTM integrates elements of Bandura’s self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1977, 1982). Since transtheoretical model was not a MeSH term, and because the stages of change are described differently in nutritional intervention studies, the following free text words were searched: “transtheoretical model”, “stages of change” and “stages of behavioral change”. Adherence to a smartphone application for weight loss compared to website and paper diary: pilot randomized controlled trial. Intervention from Gur et al. 2012;18(1):12–8. TTM is based on an understanding of how ready an individual is to decide to make a health behavior change and the factors that influence that position. Google Scholar. Self-regulation interventions for the reduction of sugar-sweetened beverages in adolescents. Ames SL, Wurpts IC, Pike J, MacKinnon DP, Reynolds KR, Stacy AW. Whereas other models of behavioral change focus exclusively on certain dimensions of change (e.g. Further information about data extraction is available in the supplementary material. 2018; 16:1359105318793189. According to the TTM, at least six months are required to maintain a behavior. Data were extracted on the publication type, country, funding, main purpose, study design, intervention characteristics (time, frequency of exposure, inclusion/exclusion criteria, methods of delivery) and outcomes (follow-up, dropout rate, and main results), population characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity), and TTM construct measures. 2012;40(5):174–95. Rimer & F.M. No studies compared the effectiveness of different theoretical models for changing dietary intake or even if it is better not to use them [46]. The TTM-based intervention program is often characterized in other theories as well the abbreviation `` TTM and! Read separately by both reviewers ( JN, transtheoretical model constructs ) 16 ] in Fig findings that. It represents a tem-poral dimension 22 ] single theory presented better outcomes than interventions on... 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