police use of force thesis statement

police use of force thesis statement
December 26, 2020

However, since they are non-lethal they can be seen as reasonable use of force. seriously and that is to protect and serve. If an officer is already lacking good moral judgment when faced with a dangerous situation they may over-react to it if they know there are no consequences for their actions. Composition 1 Argumentative Research Essay Final Draft. When articulating force, particular attention should be New Jersey's top law enforcement official on Monday unveiled new guidelines governing the use of force for the state's nearly 40,000 police officers. Sometimes, a situation is unpredictable and a decision needs to be made in a split second. For example, the anti-war protests and civil rights movements of the 1960s have all involved claims of police brutality. (2012, 04 16). Give an exampl is cm from the free end in september.C modi appointed as the aoltime warner merger and acquisition. Another training guide that is used is the Police Training Model, which was created in 1999 by PERF and the Reno Police Department. (2016, Apr 07). One of the most famous cases where use of force was abused is the Rodney King beating, this case was national news. Police more likely to use force on blacks than whites, study shows. Your thesis should make a claim (an argument). The National Institute of Justice, which is a subsidiary of the Justice Department concurs with this. I would agree with the commission that Beck is sending out the wrong message. Jefferis, E., Butcher, F., & Hanley, D. (2011). Not an announcement 1. King was being arrested after sending police on a high speed car chase, that could have injured many innocent bystanders, but that does not justify the actions that were taken upon him. This did not persuade Beck to invoke punishment to the officers involved in the shootings. Terms & Privacy. When the police target these minority groups they cause the minority groups to not trust. The ethical or unethical use of force is determined by the community, society, and often a judge and jury. It is important because it is their duty to protect and serve. It is very important for police officers to make ethical decisions while in the field. 7. Police Use of Force Mark Curtis Wittie, Sam Houston State University abstract: This essay examines how and why police use force when encountering violent suspects. Under the 1967 Criminal Law Act: A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention of crime, or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or of persons unlawfully at large. Use of Force Investigations. The justification of the use of force is the most impor- tant determination an officer must make before deciding to use force on a suspect. An extensive survey conducted jointly by the MIT, University of California, the University of Washington and the Harvard Medical School surveyed emergency physicians for cases of patients subjected to excessive police force. “Conclusions” are phrases or words that describe a subject’s actions, but lack clear articulation of the subject’s behaviors. Police departments adopt use of force policies and employ use of force continuums without fully understanding use of force. Police use of force … Police Brutality. References Bibliography Sources: 10, EssayTown.com © and ™ 2001–2020. In simple words, police brutality is the use of excessive or unnecessary force by police officers against civilians. The three topics that will be discussed in police use of force are; the explanation and background of use of force, limitations. All Level 1* and Level 2* uses of force undergo an exhaustive, multi-layered review by an officer's sergeant, lieutenant, captain, and major/commanding officer. Check your completed papers for mistakes, plagiarism, and create a right bibliography without stress. As part of their regular duties, the police can sometimes be required to use force to manage, contain and resolve a situation. Composition 1 Argumentative Research Essay Final Draft.Police Brutality Police work is dangerous. The essay describes several factors that contribute to the success or failure of officers involved in these encounters. But, because some officers use these extreme measures in situations when it is not, police brutality occurs. In order to win community confidence and establish itself as a credible policing service, the The police in America are the only governmentally sponsored entity with the authority and power to take the life of a citizen. My original thesis statement was “Police officers and law enforcement personally took an oath to protect and serve, due to several situations body cameras are now worn to protect officers and citizens, but how honest can it be if all officer does not have to wear one and is able to turn on and off as they please.” Lack of ideas for writing a good thesis statement for police brutality essay? When dealing with a dangerous—or unpredictable—situation, police officers usually have very little time to assess it and determine the proper response.” (United) We can make sure that when faced with these situations police officers make the right decision through proper training. If police did not have the right or the power to use force it could result in injuries and deaths to members of our police force on a regular basis. Not every type of essay needs a thesis statement; some may call for a “guiding idea” instead (see reverse). In certain situations, the police may have to act quickly on their instincts. 3rd edition (pp. The police brutality essay is a quite popular writing assignment in the schools and colleges today. This means that your thesis should take a stance that a reasonable, educated person could disagree with. It implies the use of unauthorized, illegal, unfair, unnecessary, and otherwise unwarranted violence or brutality by police officers against civilians, regardless if they are breaking the law or not. Stuart, F. (2011). Therefore, the amount of force a police officer uses does not solely depend on him or herself, but his or her discretion. We've changed a part of the website. Police Brutality Police work is dangerous. In carrying out these duties, it is the policy and commitment of the Baltimore Police Department to uphold the sanctity of human life, avoid escalation, respect the value and worth of all persons, and seek peaceful resolutions. Police brutality should be punished because people become afraid of policemen. 1-153). It also appears to makes the police officer look untrustworthy and uncontrollable. Any act that goes beyond the use of minimum force amounts to brutality. Argumentive Essay And Thesis Statement On Police Brutality. The Use Of Deadly Force By Police Officers 3165 Words | 13 Pages. Get a verified writer to help you with Police Use of Force. also offered here. Police use of force There is no single globally accepted definition of use of force by police officers. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. Cao’s thesis was intended to evaluating the aspects in constant knowledge that may add to police brutality. An unlimited number of free attempts are available to you upon page access. Police Service that the use of excessive force by police officials be addressed. Read More. “LAPD to Hold Meetings on Use-of-force Policies.” Los Angeles Times. He agreed that one of the officers had been wrong in his choice to fire, but still did not punish him. In simple words, police brutality is the use of excessive or unnecessary force by police officers against civilians. Variation in the Use of Force Amongst Police Departments The use of force has been around since policing began, although the rules for its use have changed overtime. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION/STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Excessive force and police brutality have become common terms for anyone keeping up with today’s current events. Maybe the Police Officers in both cases felt they had to take on the ethical teachings of Aristotle. While the officers were trying to arrest him, Mr. King had put up a fight, resisting arrest, so the Officers, shot him twice with a stun gun, unfortunately still he resisted. Aristotle believed that justice consist of giving each person his or her due” [ (Jay.S, 2013) ]. Even though it was apparent what the Officers had done to be unethical when the case went to trial all of the officers were found innocent. NJ overhauling police use-of-force guidelines for the 1st time in decades Seth Wenig/AP A Newark police officer uses his car megaphone to encourage social distancing at … The police are justified to use force to bring law and order in the society where necessary, However use of force should be done in moderation whereby the least amount of force is used to suppress and take control of violent incidents. In the USA, the issue of police brutality has been a component of many major social and political movements. Such training could include knowing the Use of Force Model. It is not ethical to hurt someone just because you have the power to. Argumentive Essay And Thesis Statement On Police Brutality. Furthermore, in all Level 2 use of force incidents, once the officer's chain-of-command has reviewed the officer's actions, the investigation — including the statements of any involved or witnessing officers, statements of any independent witnesses, statement of the subject(s) on whom force was used, video surveillance, photographs, medi… In its Concluding Observations on Australia in 2017, the Human Rights Committee called on the authorities to ensure . Police Brutality Police work is dangerous. If you need a research paper on Police Officer Use of Deadly Force, be sure not to take a stance, either for or against deadly force. Give us a try. 2013. “The criminal justice system is designed to enforce moral rules that have been written into the criminal law. There are several interpretations as to what is considered an excessive amount of force, which can vary from using bean bags guns, chemical spray, or batons. Police brutality results in the lack of trust towards the policemen. Police brutality can be described as the process of using physical force during arrests. Unfortunately for the Officers but fortunately for Mr. King, all of this was caught on tape. This is a public problem we shouldn't leave behind. Topic: "Use Of Force" Do you require help with a master dissertation, an MBA thesis, or a PhD research proposal involving "Use Of Force"? In A. Jay.S, Professional Ethics In Criminal Justice Being Ethical when no one is looking. The inquiry this thesis facilitates examines current police oversight law that purports to hold Police throughout the United States use firearms, beat detainees, use methods that make them choking, and use unreasonably brutal measures of physical pressure without sufficient justification. Other forms of brutality can be in the form of racial profiling, police repression, false arrests and surveillance abuse. Retrieved from Los Angeles Times : http://articles.latimes.com/2012/apr/16/local/la-me-beck-discipline-20120416 6. But, because some officers use these extreme measures in situations when it is not, police brutality occurs. When these items are used inappropriately or excessively one may say this is using an excessive amount of force. Sometimes police put in situations that excessive force is needed. Most use of force incidents prompt a department investigation that usually includes taking the officer’s statement of the incident. Their Police Chief Charlie Beck is being accused of letting officers who have used excessive force go unpunished. Cao studies “excessive physical force and the second was police use of all other nonphysical forces, such as abuse of authority and verbal abuse” (n.p.). Thesis on Use of Police Force Assignment Excessive use of police force or police violence is a worldwide problem. This process can seem straightforward, but there is much to be considered before taking the statement. This essay analizes how theme is expressed through character. Various legal and policy restrictions govern the use of force by police, beginning with the 4th Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures and devolving downward to state statutes and departmental policies that govern how and under what conditions officers may use force. 21 July 2013. {"cookieName":"wBounce","isAggressive":false,"isSitewide":true,"hesitation":"","openAnimation":"rollIn","exitAnimation":"rollOut","timer":"","sensitivity":"20","cookieExpire":".002","cookieDomain":"","autoFire":"10000","isAnalyticsEnabled":false}, Contemporary Criminal Justice Issue Police Use of Deadly Force, Police Training as Adult Education Learning. Case opinion for US Supreme Court TENNESSEE v GARNER Read the Court's full decision on FindLaw . You won't be disappointed! in our database or order an original thesis paper that will be written by one of our staff writers and delivered according to the deadline. This is why training and understanding the philosophy of use of force and how use of force interactions effect the public and police departments are crucial to effective policy. 1. Use of Force and Incident Reports Are Not Compelled Reports The Question One of the questions I am often asked when implementing a Use of Force Reporting system that requires completion of a Use of Force Report is whether the required completion of a Use of Force Report is a compelled statement for purposes of Garrity. I believe Police brutality needs to be addressed, because it affects every one of us within our society. Although use of force has existed in policing since its inception, it was not until this profession became more formalized that use of force policy also … Provide an overview of the topic and its most important points. For 8+ years, our PhD-level specialists on subjects like "Use Of Force" have helped PhD attendees, college scholars, and undergraduate students globally by providing the most comprehensive research service online for "Use Of Force" theses and coursework. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are Excerpt from Thesis : Though women constitute only 12.7% of the sworn police force they are implicated in only 5% of the total cases registered against the use of excessive force. Use of force is a key component of policing and one of the most controversial issues in law enforcement. Harari, O. Policemen should be politer because brutality turns them to criminals. Police Use Of Force Essay 1222 Words | 5 Pages. Another ethical case involving use of force is also in Los Angeles, California. Retrieved from http://studymoose.com/police-use-of-force-essay, Copying content is not allowed on this website, Ask a professional writer to help you with your text, Give us your email and we'll send you the essay you need, Please indicate where to send you the sample. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. Matheson, V. A., & Baade, R. A. We have ethical responsibility s citizens to follow the rules and regulation of our count try and they s Law Enforcement Officers have n ethical obligation to lead by example. Professional Ethics In Criminal Justice Being Ethical when no one is looking. 19 July. Florida Statute Section 776.051 provides the law relating to use of force in resisting an arrest. People report about cases when law officers have used excessive force against them. Your Answer is very helpful for Us Thank you a lot! When looking at today’s society and if you go back as far as there is written proof the court systems and law enforcement rules and regulations have grown and developed into more evolved court system and law enforcement for society to follow. This is a recent problem involving the Chief of Police Charlie Beck. In the USA, the issue of police brutality has been a component of many major social and political movements. Violating use of force protocol is unethical because it does harm to people who do not deserve it, it’s not just the physical damage it can do but the mental as well. In almost all of them, Beck concluded the officers used force appropriately and urged the commission to clear them of wrongdoing. Grewal said that over 500 police departments are utilizing the use of force portal as of Oct. 1, adding that it should be partially accessible to the public early next year. Los Angeles Times, 10 Sept. 2012. (2004). Unfortunately Mr. King was beaten with metal batons, stomped on, and kicked as he lay on the ground defenseless. 2 –A thesis is the central idea of your essay. When faced with dangerous or a tough situation police officers need to be trained to quickly make the best and most ethical decision possible. In some rare cases there are Officers that abuse their power and with the use of excessive use of force on individuals is an issue, Officers not thinking of what the effects it has on the victim, the alleged perpetrator or the community that it occurs in. For 8+ years, our PhD-level specialists on subjects like "Use Of Force" have helped PhD attendees, college scholars, and undergraduate students globally by providing the most comprehensive research service online for "Use Of Force" theses and coursework. Composition 1 Argumentative Research Essay Final Draft.Police Brutality Police work is dangerous. The use of force depends on many factors at the time of the crime. (2013). However, both the pro and the con side should be addressed in the paper. Download thesis statement on "The Use of Force" by William Carlos Williams. (1993). Don’t waste Your Time Searching For a Sample, Get Your Job Done By a Professional Skilled Writer. The Texas Code of Criminal Procedure states “in making an arrest, all reasonable means are permitted to be used to affect it. Other times they represent a just demand for recognition and redress for damaged bodies and spirits. As taught this model is a guide to what use of force actions are appropriate for each situation and should be carried out in such a manner. Other times they represent a just demand for recognition and redress for damaged bodies and spirits. This would be seen as unethical because it was not for the overall happiness of everyone, it did not do any good, and the officers did not follow by the rules. Toward the topic and its most important points s Residents, workers, and often a judge jury... 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